Children's books

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The Griz Stories - by Will Fox - March 2016
A collection of 10 short stories that relate to experiences children have each day, lived through the eyes of a young boy named Griz. The stories are about hygiene, illness, food, etiquette, activities, emotions, behaviour and dangers. They will inspire and educate children about the actions taken by Griz.

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Suzy Scissors - A story book about Suzy Scissors and
Rob Ruler - by Will Fox - September 2013
The story book is about a pair of scissors (Suzy Scissors) and a measuring ruler (Rob Ruler). Suzy wants to have a party for the tools, and needs to make a star to decorate the garage. Rob Ruler helps in the preparation of the star. They set about drawing, colouring and adding glitter to the star, which is hung on the wall. (1286 words)

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Hector Hacksaw - A story book about Hector Hacksaw and
Peter Pipe - by Will Fox - September 2013
The story book is about a hacksaw (Hector Hacksaw) and a length of pipe (Peter Pipe). Peter has been lying on the garage floor gathering rust and does not look good. Hector suggests cutting bits off of Peter Pipe to improve his appearance. Hector has a dull blade that needs to be replaced before the cutting can be completed. (1356 words)

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Molly Mallet - A story book about Molly Mallet and
Charlie Chisel - by Will Fox - September 2013
The story book is about a wooden mallet and a chisel. Molly Mallet needs to cut a hole in a piece of wood and asks for Charlie Chisel’s help. Another piece of wood has already been sawn and they need to make a mortise and tenon joint. Charlie Chisel’s blade gets damaged and has to be sharpened before completing the job. (1297 words)

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Billy Brush - A story book about Billy Brush and Amber
Paint - by Will Fox - September 2013
The story book is about a paint brush and a tin of paint. Billy Brush and Amber Paint go in search for something to paint. They find the cupboard and wanted to paint it. At first the cupboard was opposed to be painted, but agreed when it saw the benefits. The paint eventually runs out and all three agree on a solution. (1169 words)

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Spiky Saw - A story book about Spiky Saw and Hairy Wood - by Will Fox - August 2013
The story book is about a rip saw (Spiky Saw) and a piece of wood (Hairy Wood). Spiky is bored and wants to be active, while the other tools are lazy. Hairy Wood also wants to be active, and is anxious for a haircut. Spiky Saw agrees to cut Hairy Wood’s hair, and the story shows how a saw is used to cut a piece of wood. (1134 words)

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Twisty Drill - A story book about Twisty Drill and
Little Bit - by Will Fox - August 2013
The story book is about an electric drill (Twisty Drill) and a drill bit (Little Bit). Twisty Drill teams up with Little Bit to put up a wall bracket on which to hang a spanner. Twisty wants to help the spanner and first needs to find a bracket and a drilling bit. The story shows how a drill and drill bit are used together. (1226 words)

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Bertie Bolt - A story book about Bertie Bolt and Sam
Spanner - by Will Fox - August 2013
This story book is about a bolt (Bertie Bolt) and a spanner (Sam Spanner). Bolty is in pain because he wears a nut that is too tight for him. The story shows the sympathy that Spanner has for Bolty and how he helps to relieve Bolty’s pain caused by the tight nut. It explains how spanners and bolts are used together. (969 words)

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Peggy Peg - A story book about Peggy Peg and Molly
Mallet - by Will Fox - August 2013
This story book is about a wooded peg (Peggy Peg) and a mallet (Molly Mallet). Molly wanted to join two pieces of wood together using wooden pegs. Molly goes in search of the wood and pegs, and sets about joining the wood together, using Peggy. The story explains the correct pegs and holes in the wood to use. (1231 words)

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Rusty Nail - A story book about Rusty Nail and Harry
Hammer - by Will Fox - August 2013
This story book is about a nail (Rusty Nail) and a hammer (Harry Hammer). Harry Hammer went in search of nails, and selected Rusty Nail for the job. Hammer shows empathy for tapping Rusty on his head, and helps to relieve any pain caused. The story explains how a hammer and nails are used together. (1150 words)

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Sally Screw - A story book about Sally Screw and Fred
Flathead - by Will Fox - August 2013
This story book is about a screw (Sally Screw) and screwdrivers. Sally wanted to know the types of screwdrivers used for different screws, and goes on a journey to find out. She meets up with Fred Flathead and Chris Crosshead (the screwdrivers), who explain the difference types of screws and different types of screwdrivers. (1444 words)